FRIDAY - Recap of the day

FRIDAY – 8th of JULY


The day started at 9.00 o’clock with the competition of women’s and men’s singles and doubles. After that it continued with semifinals and in the evening the finals of the men’s and women’s teams.



Men’s group:

In the men’s semifinals matches, Zamojski Academy won against University of Porto, on the other table, University of Pecs won against University of Zagreb.

In the finals, Zamojski Academy won against University of Pecs by 3:1!


Women’s group:

In female pairs of semifinals matches University of Nottingham won against Wroclaw university of Economics, and University of Zagreb won against University of Ostrava.

In the finals, the girls from University of Nottingham won against University of Zagreb by 3:1!


After attractive matches, winners were awarded in the ceremony. Agita Abele, EUSA SCAC Chairman and Linda Ivanová, Organization Committee Delegate gave prizes to winning teams.


Women’s teams:

1st place: University of Nottingham (UNITED KINGDOM)

2nd place: University of Zagreb (CROATIA)                                      

3rd place: University of Ostrava (CZECH REPUBLIC) and Wroclaw university of Economics (POLAND)



Men’s teams:

1st place: Zamojski Academy (POLAND) 

2nd place: University of Pecs (HUNGARY)

3rd place: University of Zagreb (CROATIA) and University of Porto (PORTUGAL)